Variables The variable in Java is a memory location which used to stores the data values during Java program execution. Every variable has a data type that defined the type and quantity of data that hold data. variable used to store data temporarily. The name of the variable cannet be changed but the value of the variable. Declaration of variables in java Syntax type Variable Name = Value; ↘ ↘ variable name Data type like int, Like a,b string, char Example 1: Create a variable called the ’ Student Name’ of type String and assign it the value "Ahmad Mukhtiar": String Student Name =” Ahmad Mukhtiar”; System.out.println(“Student Name”,+Student ... launch to Android 1.0 I n 2007, Apple propelled the first iPhone and introduced another period in portable registering. At the time, Google was still secretly working on Android, but in November of that year, the company slowly began to unveil its plans to tackle Apple and other mobile platforms. It used its structure as an open handset alliance, which included carriers including phone makers such as HTC and Motorola, chip manufact...